missions + churchplanting in Los Angeles
shared with you
Hey, friend. We’re glad you’re here.
Jon and Erica are burdened to make disciples who follow Jesus resiliently and fruitfully in post-Christian contexts.
BIG NEWS: We’re Church Planting in Los Angeles!
Two years ago, you joined us in believing that God was stirring something in Los Angeles (L.A.), and that, despite tragic headlines and the city’s reputation for profound suffering and brokenness, there were seeds of a coming renewal. You encouraged, supported, and prayed with us.
Now, a little less than two years later, God has unveiled an exciting new ministry assignment here, and we’re as hopeful as ever…
Read our latest Newsletter, and continue praying and supporting us financially.
Important Giving Instructions
To continue your financial support of the Campbells, please begin directing your giving the following way after July 31, 2024. If you’re a recurring, online giver, nothing will change for you. If you support us with checks, you will simply change whom you make the check out to: Evangelism USA (EVUSA). The mailing address and memo will stay the same. This is how it should look:
Memo: Campbell Support Account #03201P
Mailing Address: EVUSA P.O. Box 12609, Oklahoma City, OK, 73157
To scoff is to be Millennial.